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  • Bioö December 20, 2023 - ERC-Grant (German language only)
  • Bioö October 10, 2023; Die Biopioniere - Die Symbiosespezialistin (German language only)
  • Newsletter May 2023 Bayerische Forschungsallianz May 31, 2023 - 20 years Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
  • Newsletter April 2023 Bayerische Forschungsallianz April 28, 2023 - TUM Campus Weihenstephan Farmvision Festival (German language only)



  • Frankfurter Rundschau August 24, 2021 "An antistress cure for maize" (pdf-Datei) (German language only)
  • Bioö August 24, 2021, Frankfurter Rundschau: Die Antistress-Kur für den Mais (German language only)
  • Newsletter July 2021 Bavarian Research Alliance "New Bavarian Research Network BayKlimaFit 2" (German language only)
  • Newsletter Bavarian State Government July 9, 2021 (pdf-file) (German language only)
  • top agrar online July 9, 2021 (German language only)
  • Agrarwelt July 9, 2021 (German language only)
  • Newsticker Pflanzenforschung July 9, 2021 (German language only)
  • TUM News July 8, 2021 (German language only)
  • Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (German language only)
  • Freisinger FORUM April 17, 2021 "Together for biodiversity" (as pdf-file - German only)



  • Bayerischen Landwirtschaftlichen Wochenblatt 29.11.2019: Die Hysterie des Weizens.- 63. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Maiskomitees e.V. (Augsburg), 19.11.2019 (copy as pdf-file) (German only)
  • Image brochure of the TUM School of Life Sciences „Working for One Health“ Making Plants fit for stressful times. page 21-31, 2019
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung 03.03.2019 (as pdf-file) (German only)
  • report about the final event on the website DAV Sektion Augsburg (German only)
  • Munich Merkur /Freisinger Tagblatt 28.02.2019 (as tif-file) (German only)
  • Press release TUM 28.02.2019 (German only)
  • Frankensicht  26.02.2019 (German only)
  • News report 17:30 Sat.1 Bayern 25.02.2019 (German only)
  • Video Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (youtube) (German only)
  • Landespressedienst 25.02.2019 (German only)
  • Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (as pdf-file, German only) 25.02.2019
  • Freisinger Forum (as pdf-file) 16.02.2019 (German only)