Climate report from klima.bayern
Are hops and malt lost? Effects of climate change on brewing grain (Sind Hopfen und Malz verloren? Auswirkungen der Klimawandels auf Braugetreide)
TUM and GPZ Spring School 2025
Spring School "Selection and Breeding"
Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany
March 31 - April 9, 2025
further information and registration
TUM@Freising: Prof. Dr. Martina Gastl will talk
about "One drink ahead - beverage trends of the future (Einen Schluck voraus – Getränketrends der Zukunft)"
Date: 10. December 2024 at 7 pm
Venue: Lindenkeller in Freising
further information about TUM@Freising (German language only)
Freisinger Tagblatt December 5, 2024
Freisinger Forum December 7, 2024
Successful doctoral defense
Congratulations Dr. Felix Hoheneder!
Felix Hoheneder successfully defended his doctoral thesis on July 22, 2024. The title of his PhD thesis is "Investigation of artificially applied drought and weather effects on Ramularia Leaf Spot and Fusarium Head Blight of barley". For this great achievement, congratulations!

Award for outstanding services to the environment in Bavaria
to Prof. Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön
Laudatio (German language only)
BayKlimaFit 2 - final event
DATE: Monday, 1 July 2024 from 11:00am-5:30pm
Residenz München
Residenzstraße 1
80333 München
Program (German language only)
Please note:
The event is free of charge.
The entire event will be held in German language.
The number of participants is limited.
Audio and video recordings will be made at the event. By participating, you agree that any recordings of you may be published for public relations purposes.
Honorary doctorate for plant researcher Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chris-Carolin Schön
On February 23, 2024 the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chris-Carolin Schön, Chair of Plant Breeding at the Technical University of Munich.
press release HHU
Save the date - BayKlimaFit 2 - final event
DATE: Monday, 1 July 2024
LOCATION: Max-Joseph-Saal, Residenz München
Program - coming soon
ERC Grant
Prof. Caroline Gutjahr awarded Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC)
further information (in German)
Open house
BayKlimaFit with own booth
Occasion: 20 years Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
Date: Sunday June 18, 2023 from 10am till 5 pm
Location: Am Gereuth, Freising
further information LfL
Farmvision Festival
Date: May 6, 2023
Time: 11 am - 5 pm
Place: Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum and Liesel-Beckmann-Straße 2, 85354 Freising
further information
Dr.-Heinrich-Baur-University Donation
Dr.-Heinrich-Baur-Award of the TUM School of Life Sciences will be awarded to Prof. Sara Leonhardt
Tomorrow starts today - the environment and consumer podcast
Episode #37 Climate stress for the potato – New varieties are needed! (Klimastress für die Kartoffel – Neue Sorten müssen her!)
link to YouTube (German language only)
Tomorrow starts today - the environment and consumer podcast
Episode #36 Plant breeding – Racing against climate change (Pflanzenzüchtung – Wettlauf gegen den Klimawandel)
link to YouTube (German language only)
BayKlimaFit 2 will present in the Public Lecture Series of the Hans Eisenmann Academy
in the winter semester 2022/2023
further information
Bayerischer Rundfunk "Unser Land"
Bayerischer Rundfunk "Wie züchtet man klimaresistenten Mais?" (How to breed climate resistant maize), part of the broadcast "Unser Land" September 16, 2022 (https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/unser-land/wie-zuechtet-man-klimaresistenten-mais/br-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL3ZpZGVvL2UzODBjNDAzLWZjMTQtNGFkNS1iOWMyLWNiOTBkMjQ3MjJhMg) (German language only)
Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr will talk
about "Neue Züchtungstechniken – Eine Chance für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und gesunde Ernährung (New breeding techniques - an opportunity for sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition)" at the 9th Symposium on Genetic Engineering in Oberschleißheim on September 14, 2022
futher informationen www.lgl.bayern.de
Booklet "Plant research - We let the future grow" published
further information
Research talk sustainability: genetic engineering and climate change
Climate change is coming - and with heat and droughts, it threatens the world's food supply. FAU biologist Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald, head of the Department of Biochemistry at FAU, talks about whether green genetic engineering can help us to counteract this. (German langusage only)
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Z7NbV-i0KHo
Long Night of the Sciences in Erlangen
Prof. Uwe Sonnewald will speak
on "Crops in climate change: can we do without biogenetics?" (the talk will be in German)
on Mai 21, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Hörsaal A /Lecture Hall A
FAU Erlangen, Biologikum Staudtstraße 5-7
91058 Erlangen
TUM@Freising: Prof. Dr. Gerd Patrick Bienert will talk
about "Nutrients or poison? The importance of boron, arsenic and other semimetals for agriculture and food"
Date: April 26, 2022 at 7 pm
further information about TUM@Freising (German language only)
Freisinger Tagblatt April 20, 2022 "Arsenic in the farmland: lecture on metalloids in the soil" (pdf-file) (German language only)
Prof. Bienert recieves Joseph-Schepkens Award for Plant Genetics
further information TUM and Stadt Freising (German only)
Freisinger Tagblatt February 15, 2022: "Studied - The path of water in the plant " (pdf-file) (German language only)
AgScience - on - Tap: Talk Prof. Sara Leonhardt
Topic: "Bee health needs flower diversity - why agricultural landscape need to be more diverse from the bee's perspective"
Date: February 2, 2022 at 6 pm
place: online über Zoom
The event will be streamed via the Hans Eisenmann-Forum (HEF) YouTube Channel (tinyurl.com/HEF-youtube).
further information - HEF
TUM@Freising: Prof. Caroline Gutjahr will talk
about: "Secret helpers underground: How plants benefit from microorganisms in the soil"
the talk will be held in German
Date: January 31, 2022 at 7 pm
further information about TUM@Freising (German language only)
Freisinger Tagblatt February 4, 2022 (pdf-file) (German language only)
Freisinger Tagblatt January 26, 2022 (jpg-file) (German language only)
Freisinger Forum January 26, 2022 (pdf-Datei) (German language only)
BayKlimaFit 2 – new video
The scientific staff of the research projects are introducing their work.
link to the video
Prof. Caroline Gutjahr receives the Adam Kondorosi Early Career Award from the Academia Europea
further information (German language only)
Lecture at the German Museum Munich
Prof. Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön will speak about "Genome-edited plants - an opportunity for sustainable agriculture?" ("Genom-editierte Pflanzen – Eine Chance für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft?")
Date: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 7 pm - canceled
further information:
Deutsches Museum (as pdf) - German language only
Catholic Academy in Bavaria (as pdf) - German language only
Scientists make plants fit for climate change
Projekt „Bioeconomy: A multimedia peportage“; University of Würzburg and University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt; sponsored by the Science Year 2020/21 – Bioeconomy, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Link: www.bioökonomie.info
German language only
Kick off Meeting
BayKlimaFit 2 – Strong plants mitigating the impact of climate change
Date: July 8, 2021
Due to the current situation the event will be organized as a online symposium (video conference).
Program (German only)
Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (German language only)
TUM News vom 8. Juli 2021 (German language only)
top agrar online vom 9. Juli 2021 (German language only)
Newsletter Bavarian State Government July 9, 2021 (pdf-file) (German language only)
top agrar online July 9, 2021 (German language only)
Agrarwelt July 9, 2021 (German language only)
Newsticker Pflanzenforschung July 9, 2021 (German language only)
The lecture series TUM@Freising will be continued online on April 27, 2021
further information
press release Freisinger FORUM from April 17, 2021 (as pdf-file - German only)
press release Freisinger Tagblatt from April 29, 2021 (as pdf-file - German only)
Lecture at the German Museum Munich
Prof. Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön will speak about "Genome-edited plants - an opportunity for sustainable agriculture?" ("Genom-editierte Pflanzen – Eine Chance für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft?")
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2020, 7 pm - postphoned
further information Deutschen Museum (German language only)
BR Television
Bayerischer Rundfunk, broadcast "Unser Land", October 9, 2020 with Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr, topic: "Mushroom network in farmland: More yield due to mycorrhiza fungi (Pilzgeflechte im Ackerboden: Mehr Ertrag durch Mykorrhiza-Pilze)" (minute 13:40-20:24) - link to media library (German only)
Publikation in Nature Genetics
The press release of July 27, 2020 of the Helmholtz Zentrum München presents the latest publication in Nature Genetics. The study were carried out with the participation of scientists in the project network BayKlimaFit.
September Issue Nature Genetics (cover from BayKlimaFit - photo: Tom Freudenberg / pict-images)
TUM magazine „Faszination Forschung“
Starting at page 70 the newest edition #24 of the TUM scientific magazine „Faszination Forschung“ reports about the search for specific genes in maize plants which are responsible for tolerant and productive plants.
Intelligent plant improvement: Searching for the needle in the haystack
Image brochure
The new image brochure of the TUM School of Life Sciences „Working for One Health“ is online. Under the section “Making plants fit for stressful times” the research conducted in the BayKlimaFit project network is introduced besides others.
EUCARPIA Conference
XXIVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference
Integrating quantitative and molecular genetics to develop new breeding methods in maize and sorghum
October 7 -9, 2019, Freising
further informationen and registration
Summer School
TUM Summer School 2019 on "Selection and Breeding"
Herrsching am Ammersee
June 25 – July 2, 2019
further information and registration
Sat 1 Television
News report 17:30 Sat.1 Bayern covering the final event - 25.02.2019 (German only)
Press release
Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (as pdf-file, German only) 25.02.2019
TUM@Freising: Prof. Grill will talk about how green or future will be
On February 26, 2019, Prof. Erwin Grill talked about "How green is our future? Water as a limiting factor for plant production" at the Lindenkeller Freising.
Announcement Freisinger Forum (as pdf-file -16.02.2019 - German only)
Link to the University homepage (German only)
news coverage Munich Merkur 28.02.2019 (as tif-file) (German only)
BayKlimaFit - final event
On February 25, 2019 the final event of the project network BayKlimaFit will be held at the Munich Residence. (German language only)
Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (German language only) (pdf-file)
Julia Workshop
Introduction to the programming language Julia
December 3 - 7, 2018
Cooperation partner participated in decoding the wheat genome
Cooperation partner from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich (Plant Genome and System Biology) participated in decoding the wheat genome
Münchner Merkur (pdf-file) from 17. August 2018 (German only)
Tagesschau from 17. August 2018 (German only)
President’s Medal - Society of Experimental Biology (UK)
SEB President's Medal 2018 in plant biology was awarded to Prof. Caroline Gutjahr for outstanding merit.
further informationen: Society for Experimantal Biology (SEB Homepage) and AcademiaNet and youtube
Bavarian Order of Merit
Prof. Chris-Carolin Schön received the Bavarian Order of Merit (Bayerischer Verdienstorden) for her engagement for the state of Bavaria. The Order of Merit has been presented in a ceremony by the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder on 27th of June 2018.
Press release Bavarian State Chancellery from 22.06.2018 (German only)
see article of the Münchner Merkur from 23.06.2018 (German only)
Press release TU Munich fom 27.06.2018 (German only)
articel Münchner Merkur from 28.06.2018 (German only)
Samerberger Nachrichten from 28.06.2018 (German only)
Why cereal is better
Press release University Würzburg (pdf-file) 26.04.2018
The best of two worlds
Landshuter Zeitung, March 24, 2018, article from Katharina Aurich after interviewing Prof. Schön, "The best of two worlds" (pdf-file - in German language only)
Broadcast Notizbuch from 15.03.2018
Radio Bayern 2, broadcast Notizbuch from 15.03.2018: “Bei Saatgutzüchtern zu Besuch - Vom Säen und Ernten“ (Visiting plant breeders – from seeding to harvesting), about the development of plants for the future; report by Tobias Chmura and interviews with Dr. Eva Bauer, Stefan Schwertfirm and the plant breeder company Breun (German language only)
Event Information
Symposium „Climate change in urban areas – challenges for agriculture and water management” 19.02.2019, at the Munich Residence.
Programm (German only)
Podium discussion about “Risks and chances of the climate change” with Prof. Sonnewald FAU Erlangen.
TUM@Freising: Prof. Chris-Caroline Schön gave a talk about "Green Biotechnology – chances and future perspectives"
On February 6, 2018, Prof. Chris-Caroline Schön talked about „Green biotechnology – chances and future perspectives" at the Lindenkeller Freising. The talk is part of the event "TUM@Freising, Science explained for everyone". News article Freisinger Tagblatt (German only) (as tif-file)
Link to the University homepage (German only)
Link to Freising (German only)
Münchner Merkur October 14, 2017
Münchner Merkur October 14, 2017 (Journal J5, Welt und Wissen): "Mais trotzt Hitze, Kälte, Trockenheit", article from Christian Rauch after interviewing Prof. Schön and Dr. Bauer (in German language only) - pdf-file
First research results of the project network BayKlimaFit presented in interim report
On October 9, 2017 the project network “BayKlimaFit – Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to climate change” presented an interim report during a conference at the Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie (IZB) in Martinsried/Munich.
Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (German language only) or as pdf-file
News coverage MünchenTV on 9. Oktober 2017 (German language only)
topagrarONLINE 18.10. 2017 (German language only)
Focus Online Local 09.10. 2017 (German language only)
Mittelbayerische 09.10. 2017 (German language only)
Welt N24 09.10.2017 (German language only)
Schwäbische 09.10.2017 (German language only)
idowa 09.10.2017 (German language only)
Umweltruf 09.10.2017 (German language only)
Forum Grüne Vernunft 09.10.2017 (German language only)
Heimatzeitung 09.10. 2017 (German language only)
European Research Council awarded project partner
Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr receives an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council.
more information - FOCUS ONLINE 08.09.2017 (German language only)
Valent BioSciences Young Scientist Award for project partner
On 09.08.2017 Prof. Gutjahr receives the Valent BioSciences Young Scientist Award from the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America.
BayFor News Publication
The project network BayKlimaFit was introduced on a full-side spread in the latest issue of BayFOR News (February 2017 issue, page 21 - German only). pdf
First BayKlimaFit Publication
We are pleased to present the first publication of the project network BayKlimaFit from the subproject “Improving cold tolerance of maize”. Professor Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön and her team of theTechnical University of Munich generated the first reference sequence of a European Flint maize line (bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/103747).
Conference and Spring School
Registration "Spring School 2017" in Herrsching am Ammersee (March 25 - April 1, 2017) and the International Conference "Selection Theory and Breeding Methodology" in Freising (March 23 - 24, 2017) are open now.
BayKlimaFit subproject is presenting on the Landesgartenschau (Bavarian State Garden Show)
On June 23rd, 2016 Prof. Mustroph explained visitors of the Landesgartenschau which strategies plants have developed to survive flooding.
More information (in German language only)
Award for project partner
We are pleased to announce that on June 21st 2016 Prof Chris-Carolin Schön (Chair of Plant Breeding at the Technical University Munich) was awarded the Max Schönleutner medal.
For more information see http://www.msgw.de/ (in German language only).
more press articles
top agrarOnline, 26.05.2016 (German language only)
farmer, 24.05.2016 (Polish language only)
einBlick (University Würzburg), 23.05.2016 (German language only)
ScienceDaily, 17. Mai 2016
Artikel Nürnberger Nachrichten (Altmühl-Bote), 18. April 2016 (German language only)
Artikel Mittelbayerische Zeitung, 9. May 2016 (German language only)
Kick off meeting for BayKlimaFit was a huge success
On 14th April 2016 the kick off meeting for the project network “BayKlimaFit – Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to climate change” was held at the Munich Residence. After a brief welcome speech by the president of the Technical University Munich, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, the Bavarian State Minister Ms. Ulrike Scharf took over. She introduced the audience to the problems of climate change and presented the research cluster. With a symbolic sponsorship check she handed over to the research teams the project network was officially kicked off. Representatives of the 9 individual subprojects then provided details of their scientific objectives to the public. About 140 guests from all over Germany attended the event.
Special thanks to all helpers and guests who contributed to make this kick off meeting a big success.
Press release Bavarian State Ministry of the Environmental and Consumer Protection (German language only)
Press release TU Munich (German language only)
Press release University Bayreuth (German language only)
Press release University Regensburg (Wochenblatt), 22. April 2016 (German language only)