SP 1: Coordination of the project network "BayKlimaFit 2 - Strong plants mitigating the impact of climate change"
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön
General Management: Dr. Ute Wiegand
The BayKlimaFit 2 project network comprises 10 research projects on the adaptation of crops to climate change which are carried out at various Bavarian universities and research institutions.
The coordination project is responsible for the overall project management and will ensure ideal and efficient cooperation of the subprojects. It serves as the central interface between project partners, coordinates the exchange of information and organizes regular project meetings and workshops. This ensures close collaboration between the involved research groups with an optimum level of interaction in terms of contents and technology.
In addition to internal communication, the external presentation and communication of the project results is a central task. The project website will make the BayKlimaFit 2 project network accessible for the general public and contribute significantly to education and outreach. The research activities of the project are presented at public events and through press releases.
Poster kick off meeting (German)
Project description kick off meeting (German)
Final Event
Poster Project description Final report
(German language only)